Malaria Rapid Test(Pf/Pan)

Malaria Rapid Test(Pf/Pan)

Intended UseAviSure Malaria Pf/Pan Card is a visual, rapid qualitative and sensitive solid phase immuno chromatographic assay based on antigen detection and is as an aid in diferential diagnosis of infection with HRP-2 (Histidine Rich Protein-2) specific P. falciparum and pLDH (Plasmodium Lactate Dehydrogenase) specific Plasmodium Species (P. vivax / P. malaria/ P.ovale) in human whole blood specimens.
Active IngredientsMonoclonal anti pLDH (Pv Specific) and anti-HRP-II (Pf specific)
Pack Size25 Test
Specimen of choiceSerum & Plasma is preferred choice of specimen for testingr
Storage Condition2-30°C
Country OriginIndian